Friday, September 12, 2008

Nelson's great day

Today at 17.57pm London time (UK) Nelson's thoughts are mainly occupied with the smell of strawberries. "The Salt Lake city strawberries have a distinct sweet flavour compared to those of the Finnish type of strawberries that are more citrusy", thought Nelson to himself. 

In the morning Nelson went for a walk to a near by horse stall and gazed at the beautiful black horses with admiration. He then looked around him to make sure no one would see what was about to happen. He took a cowboy hat out of his secret pocket and placed it on his head and daydreamed about the day he would finally become a cowboy. Cowboy Nelson. That day would be the most glorious day in the history of mankind. 

Later on in the day he helped his mom with cooking and did some yard work. 

(Nelson's day by Elle) 

1 comment:

wolfsblood said...

If eating my mom's cookies counts as helping with cooking then yes. I did mow the lawn. on the previous day I wore my boots with wranglers, but I forgot the location of the secret pocket, so no hat